Memorial Headstones

It is often difficult to make a good decision in times of distress; you may wish to wait a while before organising a memorial. For designs and types of memorial headstones permitted in the Council’s cemeteries please refer to any of the approved memorial stonemasons who will be able to offer advice and guidance. When the time is right, it is advisable to contact two or three monumental masons and obtain written estimates which should cover all the costs involved.

The monumental mason will advise you of the type and size of headstones permitted in West Cemetery and once you have chosen a suitable memorial will then submit your request to the Council for approval.

Confirmation of the purchase of Grant of Grave Space will be required by your chosen stonemason before he can proceed with his application to install any memorial.

Only stonemasons who are on the approved list of memorial stonemasons can operate in the Council’s cemeteries, however it should be noted that a stonemason’s inclusion in the list does not mean that the Council guarantees or recommends their workmanship.

The Town Council cannot accept responsibility for the security of any memorial plants, flowers or other items placed in or on graves.

From time to time it may become necessary for the Town Council to make safe or relocate a memorial without being able to contact the owner beforehand. Such circumstances might include action following vandalism, the need to line up memorials or the need to temporarily relocate memorials to avoid damage when access may be required to excavate adjacent grave plots.

Should the need arise for action to be taken to make safe any memorial rendered unsafe as a result of lack of maintenance or inadequate installation then the Council may take action to recover the costs thereby incurred from the person responsible for the upkeep of the memorial.

The owner of the grant of grave space is responsible for ensuring that the memorial is kept in a good state of repair and shall also be responsible for removing the memorial to give access for re-opening of the grave should the need arise. If action has to be taken to make safe any memorial due to lack of maintenance, or inadequate installation, the Council may take steps to recover any costs incurred from the grant holder.

The cost of repairs or replacement of memorials can be expensive, you may wish to consider taking out insurance to cover accidental damage, theft or vandalism.

In the interests of safety, any unauthorised stones or gravel or such other items will be removed from the grave immediately and without notice and will be kept in the Cemetery depot area for a period of 30 days awaiting collection following which any such items will be disposed of by the Council without notice.

Other decorations may be allowed subject to the approval by the Cemetery Manager, but the Council reserves the right to remove them and/or return the grave to turf if the decorations are evidently unsuitable or if the grave is clearly no longer being tended.

Maintenance staff may not be able to cut grass around planted or decorated graves where access is restricted or to do so may cause damage to items placed in or on grave plots. The Town Council cannot accept any responsibility for the security of any plants or other items placed in or on graves.