
We maintain 5 sites throughout the Parish that are used for growing vegetables and flowers.

To be eligible to rent a site you must be resident in the Parish of Great Aycliffe, i.e. School Aycliffe, Newton Aycliffe or Aycliffe Village.

Rents for plots within the Parish are decided upon by the Council. 2023-2024 Allotments Schedule of Charges.

We work closely with allotment representatives and tenants to ensure that we provide an appropriate and satisfactory allotment service. Our Allotments Charter is our commitment to our tenants.

The Allotment Charter

The Council has adopted an Allotments Charter in 1999 which covers all of its allotment sites.  The Charter outlines the Council’s roles and responsibilities to its tenants.

We Promise

  • Cut the public areas of grass 12 times a year at appropriate times.
  • Inspect boundaries approximately every 6 weeks, including trees, fences, hedges and gates, and carry out maintenance as appropriate.
  • Inspect litter and debris on the site approximately every 6 weeks, and remove as appropriate.
  • Maintain vacant gardens in a suitable condition.
  • Inspect access roads, carrying out repairs and maintenance once a year.
  • Ensure that there is a supply of water on the site.
  • Inspect water supply approximately every six weeks.
  • Undertake the administration of allotment sites, including administration of lettings, contracts, planning matters, boundaries, legal protection, insurance, and to provide immediate access through the Allotment Manager for allotment holders who have queries or complaints.
  • Inspect the condition of gardens approximately every 6 weeks, and maintain suitable standards of care, issuing warnings and notices to quit as appropriate.
  • Meet with allotment holders once a year to discuss the condition of the sites.
  • To work closely with allotment representatives and tenants to ensure the provision of an appropriate and satisfactory allotment service.

Annual General Meeting

The Council holds an allotments Annual General Meeting to which all the allotments tenants are invited to attend.

The meeting is normally held in the Council Chamber in November.

Tenants are given an update on the progress of the Council’s allotment service and are also invited to raise issues for discussion relating to their Site at the meeting.