Burial Records

The Council recognises an increasing interest in genealogy and we therefore publish details of all burials in both of our cemeteries.

The burial records are divided into two sections, Stephenson Way Cemetery and West Cemetery. Each cemetery section shows the deceased’s name, date of death and age at the time of death and is in alphabetical order of surname.

The grave number indicates the section, grave number and the cemetery, eg A119S would be Section A, grave number 119 in Stephenson Way Cemetery.  Grave no N099W, would be Section N, Grave number 99 in West Cemetery.

The Burial List – July 2024 (opens in a new window) are updated regularly with the latest date shown on the document

We are unable to make these records accessible.

For visually impaired people or screen readers please contact: Lee Williams Works & Environment Manager on 01325 300700 who will be able to assist you with your query.