Our policies
We have many policies and procedures that help us to make sure the service we provide is of high quality, and that being a member of our Pre-School is an enjoyable and beneficial experience for each child, their family and our staff.
These include:-
Achieving Positive Behaviour
We believe that children flourish best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met, and where there are clear and developmentally appropriate expectations for their behaviour.
Children need to learn to consider the views and feelings, needs and rights of others and the impact that their behaviour has on people, places and objects. This is a development task that requires support, encouragement, teaching and setting the correct example.
Admissions Policy
Our Admissions policy is operated in date of birth order, to ensure all applications are treated fairly and equally.
Arrival and Departures
The children’s’ safety is our highest priority at all times and none more so that when they arrive and leave the premises. When arriving please ensure you bring your child into the Pre-School, do not leave them at the entrance.
Please ensure we have the correct information regarding the person authorised to collect your child, and inform us if there are any changes to the information. Please ensure you collect your child on time; if we are unable to contact you we will implement our policy and procedure for ‘Uncollected children’.
Children with Allergies or Who are Sick or Infectious
It is vitally important that you provide us with full details of any allergic condition before your child starts at the Pre-School. This will enable us to ensure that we are able to meet the needs of your child and to access any training from health professionals for all staff.
Please notify the Pre-School if your child is unwell and will not be attending Pre-School. In the interests of all children, we respectfully ask you NOT to bring your child to Pre-School if they are unwell, as they may be suffering from a contagious disease which could be transmitted to the other children.
Would you also note that a child that has been prescribed antibiotics must be kept at home for 48 hours before returning to the Pre-School.
If your child becomes ill during their time with us, we will contact you to request that you collect them as soon as possible.
A list of incubation and exclusion periods of common Infectious diseases is available here.
If a parents / carer feels that they have cause for complaint, then they should speak to a member of staff, or contact the Council’s Early years Office on 01325 319880. Our Complaints policy is available to everyone and it is displayed on the Parent’s Notice Board.
In cases of complaint parents can also contact Ofsted at The National Business Unit, Ofsted, Royal Exchange Buildings, St. Ann’s Square, Manchester. M2 7LA.
You can also contact them by phone on 0300 123 1231.
First Aid
If an accident should occur and your child needs medical attention, you will be contacted immediately; given information of the situation and arrangements will be made for either for you to collect your child or informed as to where they have been taken.
Health and Safety
We believe that the health and safety of our children is of paramount importance, we make our pre-school a safe and healthy place for children, parents, staff and volunteers.
Information sharing
We recognise that parents have a right to know that information they share with us will be regarded as confidential, as well as being informed about the circumstances, and reasons, when we are obliged to share information. A copy of the ‘Privacy Notice’ is given to every parent during a pre-visit.
Only prescribed medication will be administered in the Pre-School and only after the completion of the necessary consent forms.
As part of our day to day life in Pre-school, we take photographs of the children for their Learning Journals and our displays. We also take photographs of the children to be used in our publicity leaflets and on our web site. No child will be named in any of our publicity material.
Please note that your consent for this is obtained when your child starts the Pre-school.
Safeguarding children
We support the Government’s aim that every child is to be health, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic wellbeing. This applies to all children regardless of their gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality of religion. We are committed to building a ‘culture of safety’ for all children in which they are protected from abuse and harm in all areas of our pre-school.
Valuing diversity and promoting equality
We ensure that our Pre-School is fully inclusive in meeting the needs of all children, including needs that arise from their ethnic heritage, social and economic background, gender, ability of disability. We are committed to anti-discriminatory practice to promote equality of opportunity and valuing diversity for all children and their families.
A member of staff will go through these policies with you when you attend one of your visits and our parents / carers copy of the Policy File is kept next to the Parent’s Notice Board for your use.