Comments received during the pre-submission stage were logged and discussed with planners from Durham County Council. Where appropriate further amendments have been made to the document.
The final documents were submitted to Durham County Council who undertook a further 6 week consultation in order to give any interested party a final opportunity to comment on the Plan. The Plan has also been reviewed by an Independent Examiner.
The Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan (Referendum version). document includes the relevant policies starting at page 39 and the maps identifying local green open spaces starting at page 76.
The Basic Conditions Statement. provides information on how each of the policies meet various requirements for economic, social and environmental factors. The Strategic Environmental Assessment & Habitat Regulations Assessment. screening report (Appendix BC2) clarifies that the GANP does not conflict with environmental or habitat regulations.
The Consultation Statement. and supporting appendix listed below shows how residents views were sought, prioritised and considered.
Appendix 1. Initial Town Wide Questionnaire
Appendix 2. Soft Market Testing of Retailers for Newton Aycliffe
Appendix 3. Roles and Responsibilities of groups and officers
Appendix 4. Thematic overview sheets
Appendix 5. Your Issues, Our Proposals Questionnaire
Appendix 6. Comments received from the Your,. Issues, Our Proposals Questionnaire
Appendix 7. Comments from the Heritage & Character Questionnaire
Appendix 8. Heritage & Character Assessment Final Report
Appendix 9. Responses received from the Pre-Submission Consultation
The Pre-Submission Great Aycliffe Neighbourhood Plan Consultation took place from Monday 25th April until Monday 6th June and is a requirement of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012, Regulation 14.
After all the responses were amalgamated, from the various response options, 97 people had taken the time to share their views or leave comments regarding the Plan and its policies.
Residents were able to tell us their views in a number of ways:-
*electronically using survey monkey
*leaving a comment on our Facebook page – GreatAycliffeNP
*putting comments in writing
*emailing –
The PRE-SUBMISSION GANP document was provided. This has been split into specific sections and appendices to help you navigate more easily.
Appendix A. List of Supporting Documents
Appendix B. Shaping The Future Report from Aycliffe Business Park Community
Appendix C. List of the Local Green Spaces to protect
Appendix D. Map showing the Local Green Spaces
As part of the Neighbourhood Planning process we must evidence how we made decisions and decided on the planning policies set out above. This is detailed in The Consultation Statement. The appendix are provided below, to make finding information easier, as well as being included within the full document.
Appendix 1. The original town wide questionnaire
Appendix 2. The Soft Market Testing of Retailers
Appendix 3. Roles and Responsibilities
Appendix 4. Summary of the individual themes (topic areas) that were investigated
Appendix 5. The second town wide survey ‘Your Issues, Our Proposals’ questionnaire
Appendix 6. Your comments following the ‘Your Issues, Our Proposals’
Appendix 7. Summary of the consultation undertaken as part of the Heritage & Character Assessment which was commissioned. The full document can be found at the bottom of this page
Each of the policies contained within the actual GANP must be reviewed to ensure it meets a number of basic conditions and to ensure they contribute toward sustainable development. The full Basic Conditions Statement can be found here.
Appendix BC1. Policy Compliance for each GANP policy
Appendix BC2. Strategic Environmental & Habitat Regulations Assessments Screening Report
Thank You for sharing your comments with us.
Links to the consultation findings and information can be found at the bottom of this page.
Feedback Report, Initial Survey.
Your Issues, Our Proposals. List of questions with percentage of support
Full Report. Your Issues, Our Proposals with comments
Character and Heritage. Information on each area and questions
Final Character and Heritage Report.
If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to contact Chrissy Walton 01325 300700 or who will assist you.